Thursday, November 30, 2006


As many, I was shocked when after ten years of searching for Jon Bennet’s killer, an ill- looking skinny red-eye American living in Asia is brought to the US to face the law for this crime. However, somehow the whole thing didn’t make any sense to me. You are entitled to say: “Hey, who cares? It’s just breaking news! Another crazy pedophile somewhere in the world!” Well, I do care. Why? First, because I have a child, and after he was born, I take any attack to children very personally. Secondly, I was surprised that this man was brought to America in such non-traditional expedite process and with so much "convincement" about his criminal assessment.

Against any logic and even after he declared himself guilty… PAW!… Not true. He was not in there, no DNA match, whatever… He turned to be not guilty of the crime he had already colorfully confessed. Then? Was the American audience tricked again? Oh YES. Big time!

Whoever has a little bit of knowledge about the law in other countries, especially in the Asian world, must be very well aware that crimes are heavily punished over there. Once in jail, forever in jail. Or almost. Drug dealers, rapists, killers… they all share the same dark hole, the same shitty cell, the same smelly clothes.

My grandma used to say: “If it smells like dead dog, there must be one lying around.”

Karr was to face charges for child molestation in that country, way before he admitted killing Bennet. How appropriate… And in such perfect timing! Yes, he would have gone to jail there but I bet (and here is where my conspiracy theory starts) that there was a smart-killing pro who knew the law, twisted it as much as he could and saw the only exit this man could have. Yes, 10 years later, we had our long-searched killer and we brought him back home. Asia lost one soon-to-be prisoner pedophile, and the US… well, the US got the extradition of a criminal.

And that is only MY theory. Go figure your own.

Karr will face his charges anyway… but here… in the land of the free, far away from the “uncivilized” Asian jail. Isn’t this brilliant? I wonder how much that lawyer charged. Maybe he (ok, or she) could help with the "muertas" of Juarez case.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, October 19, 2006


You are sleeping right now. I know you're diving deep through your dreams. Your snoring betrays you. You're unaware that I'm looking. Admiring the perfection of your profile
. Thinking of how handsome you are. Many wouldn't agree, but you're just that... handsome and perfect to me.

I lay my head on your chest and you surround me with your arms. This is the moment I enjoy most. Bared Eve held by Adam in paradise. Wiping away all fears, all thoughts, just being you and me. Man and woman. Together. Sheltering each other. Feeling how your warmth touches my soul, and your heart beats peacefully, at my breathing compass.

I could be like this every day, every night. I could see your hair turning gray, your body aging and your snoring increasing. It wouldn't matter. This feeling goes beyond the skin. I could take care of you and I would be happy. I know I am happy now, and that I would be happy then. I know it wouldn't change. I just know.

The day I met you pops in my mind. I recognized you immediately, from the very first moment I saw you walking towards me. Protocol didn't let me kiss you right away. Our initial hug only confirmed what I had already felt. Not my soul mate, not the "one", you were "that man" who I loved back in time. Yes, you might be right. It sounds crazy but quite fine.

I'm afraid my loud thoughts are waking up your restlessness.

You are moving now, and you've just whispered something unexpected. It's not the first time you say it. I wonder if you're sleeping. I wonder if you've heard it yourself. I don't know if you will recall saying it. All I know is that, this has been the sweetest "I love you" I've ever heard from you.

As my once-dormant heart releases a tear, I look up to see your lips.

"Ditto" I whisper back, and kiss your chest.

You smile.

And silently but happily, I cry.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


My son lost his tooth yesterday. Ok, I did help a little but I swear it was already VERY loose. The important thing is that when I learned about his soon-to-fall-out tooth, I got very excited as I remembered what it was like to loose a tooth for me.

I used to run to my mom to let her know. Then the whole negotiation would start:

- Let me pull it out.
- No. It will hurt.
- No, I swear it won’t. I can tie a thread to it and then pull it out.
- No, let’s leave it alone. It will fall anyway.

But as the days passed, my mom was more impatient and persistent about taking it out and I was growing more tired with having the tooth dancing inside. Finally, she would say how much money the “ratón” ("mouse" for the English speakers) would bring me, and I would allow her to pull my tooth out. That same night I would wrap it with a napkin, and tuck it under my pillow. The “ratón” would arrive, pick it up, and in exchange I would have money to burn.

Well, those memories replayed for the past three days, as I found myself negotiating with my son about pulling out his tooth. He didn’t want it forced out, and he was categorical about it. It would fall by itself or he would pull it out himself. Man, I never thought my son would be that daring! It took me several years to attempt to pull out one of my own teeth, and here I was in front of this 5-year old who was grabbing his tooth trying hard to yank it out.

It was the moment for the “ratón” to show up… but WAIT… the “ratón” I said? “Who is the ratón, mamá?” Cultural twist enters the room… “I mean…the tooth fairy! That’s it! The tooth fairy.” His little inquiring eyes stared at me wierdly. “I know who the tooth fairy is. I’ve seen her on TV.” Sure you have, I said. “But, who’s the ratón, mom?"

And trust me, in the dual world my son lives in, he needs to become familiar with the ratón. He most probably will hear about this character again in a few years when his younger cousin Sebastián, who lives in Mexico, starts loosing his teeth, so he better learn now.

“El ratón” is the one in charge of picking up fallen teeth in other countries, like in Mexico or Spain. The tooth fairy is the one who picks them up here, in the United States,” I explained.

“Why does the tooth fairy pick them up here, and the ratón there? Can’t the tooth fairy pick up all the teeth in the world?” Ah… Thank you Lord I am a creative advertising professional and the answer came ipso facto… “The problem is that the tooth fairy flies and so she cannot carry all the teeth. The ratón has a little wagon so he picks up more teeth; that’s why he spans several countries and the tooth fairy just picks up the teeth from the children in the United States.”

So, the crisis was over. My explanation fixed the issue. I asked him to let me look at his tooth one more time. A few minutes later, we were wrapping his fallen tooth with a napkin and putting it under his pillow.

“How much money will the tooth fairy bring me?”
“I dunno.”

“Can I keep my tooth?”
“Well, yes but the tooth fairy won’t come then.”

“Mmmh… OK. Will she keep my tooth in a safe place?”
“Of course!”

And he fell asleep. The very next morning as I was walking into his room to wake him up, I saw his tiny hand crawling under the pillow and pulling out a napkin slowly. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a tooth fairy flying out through the window with a "ratón” in tow. I smiled.

“She left me FIVE dollars, mom!”

“Sure she did”, I said. Then, I kissed him good morning.

Saturday, July 08, 2006


I was talking to a friend today and he said something that stuck in my mind for the rest of the day: “This is a short-term minded country.”

Boy, was he soooo right!

We are being burned-out by time! The United States of America, which coincidentally we call the U.S. for short, is a place where we –almost all of us–look for the short-term, fast and immediate gratification, solution or answer. Don’t think so? Hmmmm… Well let’s quickly look at the facts. Let’s start by understanding what short-term means, because it can be interpreted in several ways. For instance:

Short-term may take the form of a product which may make you lose 10 pounds in a week.

It can also mean that the line at the fast-food restaurant promises to be no longer than 2 minutes, and your order takes no longer than 3 minutes to be served.

Short-term means that relationships are made in a blink, and sometimes only last for a fling.

Ah yes, it can also be why microwaves work on high-mode all the time.

Short-term represents instant gratification, immediate pleasure… Short-term is the “here”; short-term is the “right now.”

No tomorrow, no future, no planning. Now! It is based on the supply and demand system. Supply and options are so abundant that the demander just needs to snap his fingers and voilá, everything is already served. It’s the era of the prostitution of love, the prostitution of flavors, the prostitution of quality, and then why not, the prostitution of time.

Oh yes, some call this: CONVENIENCE. I forgot about that but hey, convenience based on what? That’s just impatience reframed as something nice sounding.

In a short-term society, it is more convenient to opt for liposuction instead of exercising properly? Yes, you’re right, how could three hours and some two-weeks of increasingly dreadful pain compete against a whole life of sport-filled action? No comparison. I’ll look better in my bikini next month so… Let’s do it now!

Yes, we value instant gratification more. But why? Some say it is in our psyche.

According to Freud, who happens to be one of the smartest mind decoders ever, we humans, have three levels of consciousness: the id, the ego and the super-ego.

The id (which I call instant desires) has to do with the programming of our primitive emotions and needs. It requires and looks for immediate gratification. It is ruled by the pleasure principle, regardless of any undesirable consequences.

The ego, the conscious side, understands that satisfying a need is not always possible when based on a reality principle. The ego helps to suppress our id’s urgent needs until they can be fulfilled. The ego creates defense mechanisms to keep our id in line.

However, we have the third level, which is the super-ego. The super-ego is ruled by the conscience on one hand, which basically knows what is right and what isn’t, and on the other hand by the ‘ego ideal’, which represents the goals of a person, those instilled and morally accepted by the society.

Therefore, I dare say that if the individual has these levels of consciousness, then so too can a group of people and therefore, a country.

Here’s a related example of how these three levels work: If a society is based on freedom and misunderstands that concept as being able to do whatever it feels like doing, then the super-ego sees this pleasure as a morally permissible condition and the id will rule every individual’s actions up to the point that consequences will be reflected in the social collective. So what’s the ego up to then? Reframing our id? Not really, the super-ego is in charge. Any regrets will be replaced by a nice rationalized excuse that this behavior is morally accepted so there’s no need for a suppressive action from the ego.

The more id oriented the inhabitants of a country, the more instant gratification, short-term centered the country will be. The more impatient we become, the lesser effort we will exert to do things. Instincts will start to govern us and we will need to satisfy them even sooner… or paradoxically, we’ll loose control.

And this applies to every aspect of life: sex, love, hunger, sleep…

I want “love” now. So I go to a bar, meet somebody, we click, and then we go to bed… “Pow”… The cycle happens again. “Sorry, I met somebody else, bye”… "See ya”, tears… Move on… Next!

I know, this may sound soooo conspiracy theorish… Perhaps “trivial”, but it’s not! In order for some semblance of a healthy balance to exist, there needs to be a component of self-sacrifice in the equation. It is a ritual we need. Sacrifice is fundamental for value creation. So we had sex. We made “love”… True… But we didn’t sweat for it, therefore we didn’t value the moment in context… Most usually end up feeling they rushed into something they were not sure about in the first place. “Why couldn’t I control it?” That is what I call an ego asleep on the job. The defense mechanism should have kicked in right away. But oh, wait, the super-ego says that somehow this is now socially acceptable. It’s about being free, right? What a conflict! Ok, let’s blame it on the alcohol!

We can’t fully enjoy instant gratification without balancing it with some form of perceived sacrificing! There is a famous teaching in business and in philosophy that states… You can’t satisfy good price, high quality and fast service, all together. You must sacrifice one. If you want high quality but want it cheap, it will take time. If you want something of quality but want it fast, then you’ll have to pay a higher price. But if you want it NOW and cheap, it is usually at the cost of sacrificing quality. You can’t expect to have the three together!

And this rule applies to any-thing! Even a baby needs a nine months’ gestation period, at least!

So, what are we really sacrificing by adopting instant gratification as our ruler? Not time, certainly. I mean, when we say “fast”, we really want to hear “right now”. We don’t want to wait at all, or exert any effort on our part. We just want to “get it”. We might accept hours, days… but weeks? Mmmmh… No… Months? Unacceptable!

Oh, yes, I hear you: Internet. Yes, we do have instant messaging, instant music, even instant cyber-sex… yes, instant access to many high quality things for a very affordable price. This contradicts the rule! So you think you can have the three? You may see it as getting something “at a value” because our super-ego says so, but reality is, if you want a song from iTunes, for instance, you had to pay for the computer, the internet access, the iTunes sotfware, the piece of music…and all together… Well, just add up the costs! It may not have been that cheap after all, was it? High quality? Of course. Fast? Certainly! Convenient? Maybe, but there was an investment involved.

As long as we are driven by the immediate satisfaction of our desires, there is no mental homeostasis at a conscious level and that, my friends, is what rules our today, our hours, our minutes, our seconds, our milliseconds, our nanoseconds and we end up paying the consequences tomorrow, but who cares? Today is today.

Anyway, while tomorrow arrives slowly, I‘m going to get some “Mac in the micro”. After all, I am hungry, but as long as I’m “eating”, I guess socially I am ok, or am I? My id says “yes, pleeeeeease.”

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